Bahrain skyline in the Diplomatic Area

This photo looks down on the Dubai Embassy on the left, and Quatar's embassy on the right. It's called the Diplomatic Area because most of the foreign embassies are located on this block. To the right of Quatar's embassy is the United Nations building. These embassies are all guarded by Bahraini Marines, armed with what looked like M16s. I couldn't get close enough to know for sure what type of weapon they carried. We didn't speak the same language, so I wasn't taking any chances. It's bad enough when communication break downs happen when we do speak the same language...

The bridge in the background heads east toward the Muharraq Airport.
This photo is taken from the roof of our apartment building.
It looks out over empty dirt lots to a new "luxury" apartment complex that was built in 2001. The cement patio walls surround a pool.